Cúrcuma seeds to the reserve

The Reserva Ecológica Chontachaka, among other activities, produce cúrcuma to its later distribution. The cúrcuma (scientific nameCúrcuma longa), it's a herbaceous plant belonging to the family of the zingiberaceae coming from southwest India.

In addition of his culinary use, late researches are evidencing his medical qualities (https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curcuma_longa). It is probing to be active, for instance, against diabetes and cancer.

In the Reserva Ecológica Chontachaka they want to process the plant (growing, harvesting, drying, grinding and encapsulating) and later distribute it. The cúrcuma is one of the four world's plants that adapts itself to fight the illness it could find in the human body. In this picture, taken past Tuesday 19th July in Cusco, you can see Magdalena, the Reserve's manager (left), and Mónica, one staff member, with a 50 Kg. bag of cúrcuma's organic seeds coming from Echarati.