the Teachers

the Teachersthe Teachers

the Teachers

the Teachersthe Teachersthe Teachersthe Teachersthe Teachersthe Teachers
Magalena Ruíz
Magalena Ruíz
Magalena Ruíz
Magalena Ruíz
Magalena Ruíz

Magdalena Ruíz

I am Magdalena, born in Mataró, a city near Barcelona.

At the age of 24, I started a journey to Peru that has lasted 22 years; already in Peru I understood that this was really a journey of reunion with my oldest self, the one that breathes and vibrates with the heartbeat of the earth.

I am the founder of the Chontachaka Ecological Reserve that is dedicated to the restoration of the Amazonian forests while offering a space for the use of Ancestral Medicine and other tools that help us to Restore our Human Being.

The Andes and the jungle brought me back to my wild child, to the Mother, and to the Medicine Woman THAT I AM AND THAT I WAS.

In Peru I had extraordinary encounters with great people and great teachers who changed the course of my learning to find a more real, profound and powerful sense of living and feeling life. Among them I would like to name in the highest areas of the Andes the Qeros, of the Qero nation, and the Ausangate, connected to the great Apu Ausangate. In the jungle of Manu, the Matsiguenkas, Harakambut and the Huachipaire. My thanks to each and every one of them for sharing the knowledge for them still alive in their journey through the earth. With them I learned to find in nature my place in the world. From these experiences came my book: “God Also Sleeps” (Amazon).

At this moment I am in Mataró to share with my family in Spain, to give my children the opportunity to know the place where I was born, as well as to share here all the teachings learned about the way back to earth, through the world of the invisible and the Plants of Power.